Henko Import & Export is an institution mostly accepting and giving serious importance to inalienable principle of entering business with goods of high quality and trademarks without any concession and supplying to the customers healty and high-grade goods by gaining serious admiration in all trade activities..
Our high-grade product and service consideration played a leading role on the increase of productivity, decrease of the costs, sustained improvement and institutionalism..
9000 standard expresses code and 2008 expresses its written date. ISO 9001:2008 is not a certificate given to a product, but a Quality Management System applied to all kinds of institutions. As a result of supervision of this system and certification by independent audit companies provides our company an ISO 9001:2008 certificate ISO 9001:2008Quality Management System can be placed in any public and private institution.
Objective of the ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management System is to try to create work processes by determining all processes at service and goods production stages of the enterprise so that every time the samme quality is resulted by forming a kind of operation guide of the enterprise. ktır.